• Who are your events for?

    The Maryland Singles Social Club is an elevated meetup and mixer group for all nationalities. We pride ourselves on not just diversity of age, catering to singles from age 25 to 69, but also diversity of industry, ethnicity, and even relationship type. We help singles break their dating inertia whether their goal is casual, short term, or long term relationships.

  • How are meetups different from app dating?

    The truth is most of our Attendees come to us after relying on apps to search for a new partner. After months of swiping, chatting, and countless dead-end dates, the modern convenience of apps begins to feel more like a chore. Not to mention the constant wondering if the person on the other side of the screen will really be a good match.

    The success rate of dating apps can be up to 17%, but the typical range is from 1-4%. When you take your efforts to real life scenarios the success rate can climb to 80%, which is significant. This discrepancy in dating success is because dating apps promote quantity over quality. When you use a dating app, you’ll see hundreds of profiles in a short amount of time, adding to this false sense of endless options at your fingertips. Swiping can turn into an addictive game, and our Attendees want off the hamster wheel.

  • I am over 50, will I meet anyone my age?

    YES! We host 4 mixers per month on average and two of those mixers are always “age-specific”. Why? Well because we understand that some singles like to date significantly older or younger than their chronological age, so the general mixers for those 25+ is a good fit. Conversely some singles prefer to date in a closer age-range, which is why we host mixers for 20’s and 30’s, 30’s and 40’s, 40’s and 50’s, and 50’s and 60’s. Keep an eye on the calendar, and open yourself to the opportunities that come with every offering!

  • Where are you located in Maryland?

    All events take place at select venues in Maryland. Our goal is to introduce singles to new prospects outside of their comfort zone - AKA their “neighborhood”, Our primary counties are Howard, Montgomery, and Prince Georges. We also hold events in Baltimore.

  • Why is there a cost for your events?

    Our event prices are based on the costs associated with executing event. Any event company hosting attendees has to pay venue fees such as space rental, food/beverage minimums, staffing, etc.

    The only mixers we to ever be FREE are those hosted by bars or restaurants personally, and they usually make their money back on the drink/food prices they charge you. Anyone else hosting events would have to charge you to attend.

  • Do you only host mixers at bars?

    NO! We have a full menu of really cool and different experiences coming for 2025. They include wellness minded events, retreats, cool dinners, and more! Stay tuned!!

  • Can you explain what a Happy Hour mixer is?

    Happy hours are self-guided singles events that typically take place in bars, restaurants, or similar spaces where milling about can happen comfortably. These are great for singles who like to approach others, are moderately extroverted, and prefer un-structured events. Tops out at 60 singles

  • Can you explain how Speed Dating works?

    Our top attended event type, speed dating is an organized activity. An equal number of men and women are sat across from (or next to) each other for 3.5 minute mini-dates. The goal is not to learn EVERYTHING about the other person in that time. The goal is to make a quick initial assessment of chemistry and compatibility without the commitment of a longer date or countless hours online. Speed dating allows you to quickly identify mutual attraction so you can check your interest form with a YES or NO. Everyone is organically rotated. Good for introverts and extroverts. These events are all speed dating so you chat all night. Tops out at 60 singles

  • Can you explain how dinners work?

    This event focuses on an intimately set dinner party for 10 men and 10 women where they are sat in alternating gender formation. Each of the 3 courses lasts 30 minutes with men standing up and rotating to another part of the table twice. Dinners are similar to speed dating in purpose, but they offer longer periods of “getting to know you” than speed dating. By the end you should have spoken to all singles of the opposite sex in attendance.

    This is ideal for singles who want deeper connections and conversations. This is ideal for singles who prefer a less busy event. Given the rotating nature it is good for introverts and extroverts alike. Tops out at 20 singles per dinner.