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Our Most Common Event Types
Happy hours are self-guided singles events that typically take place in bars, restaurants, or similar spaces where milling about can happen comfortably. These are great for singles who like to approach others, are moderately extroverted, and prefer un-structured events. Tops out at 60 singles
Our top attended event type, speed dating is an organized activity. An equal number of men and women are sat across from (or next to) each other for 3.5 minute mini-dates. The goal is not to learn EVERYTHING about the other person in that time. The goal is to make a quick initial assessment of chemistry and compatibility without the commitment of a longer date or countless hours online. Speed dating allows you to quickly identify mutual attraction so you can check your interest form with a YES or NO. Everyone is organically rotated.
Good for introverts and extroverts. These events are all speed dating so you chat all night. Tops out at 60 singles
Dinners are intimately set for 10 men and 10 women and they are seated in an alternating gender formation. Each of the 3 courses lasts 30 minutes with men standing up and rotating to another part of the table twice. Dinners are similar to speed dating in purpose, but they offer longer periods of “getting to know you” than speed dating. By the end you should have spoken to all singles of the opposite sex in attendance.
This is ideal for singles who want deeper connections and conversations. This is ideal for singles who prefer a less busy event. Given the rotating nature it is good for introverts and extroverts alike. Tops out at 20 singles per dinner